Watermill Museum

Discover the Watermill Museum in Anthoussa

Nestled amidst the serene village of Anthoussa, located 22 kilometers from Ammoudia, lies the captivating Watermill Museum. If you have a penchant for leisurely strolls amidst nature, this is a destination not to be missed. You can easily reach the museum by car or hop aboard the Land Tour Train from Parga. For hiking enthusiasts, embarking on a scenic trek from Parga to Anthoussa on foot (approximately 4 hours) through the picturesque olive fields can be a rewarding experience. As you traverse this enchanting landscape adorned with untamed trees and babbling waters, you’ll find respite away from the bustling beach bars and crowds.

The road to the Watermill Museum winds through the olive fields, leading you to the mesmerizing watermill and eventually to a delightful waterfall. To witness the small waterfall, a brief 7-minute walk along a path is required. The water here is refreshingly cold and shallow, making it an idyllic spot for capturing memorable photographs.

Immerse Yourself in the Watermill Museum

The Watermill Museum warmly welcomes visitors every day, offering guided tours that provide insight into the site’s rich history and the workings of the watermill. This makes it an ideal destination for family outings, as you can learn about the fascinating stories and operations of this historic establishment. However, it is advisable to check the museum’s visiting hours beforehand to ensure it is open for exploration. Additionally, a charming café awaits at the museum, where you can savor a cup of coffee under the shade of the surrounding trees. The museum is a must-visit for nature enthusiasts and avid hikers alike, offering a delightful blend of natural beauty and cultural heritage.

Share Your Watermill Museum Experience

We invite you to share your personal experiences and impressions of the Watermill Museum in Anthoussa. Have you explored the olive fields and relished the tranquil atmosphere? Did you uncover the secrets of the watermill and marvel at the enchanting waterfall? Feel free to share your thoughts, photographs, and recommendations in the comments below. Let’s celebrate the wonders of this unique destination together!

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