
Weather/Climate in Ammoudia

When it comes to the weather and climate in Ammoudia, it’s essential to know what to expect during your visit. Let’s delve into the seasonal variations and overall climate of this captivating destination.


During the summer months, Ammoudia experiences hot weather with high average temperatures. The temperature index rises to elevated levels, creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. Rainfall is minimal during this time, and frequent winds help to moderate the heat, bringing a refreshing breeze to the region.


Winters in Ammoudia are mild, characterized by frequent rainfalls. The temperature rarely drops below freezing, and frost is infrequent, mostly occurring in January. Winter typically begins in mid-December and lasts until the end of February. The period from October to April sees higher levels of rainfall. The surrounding sea contributes to the region’s humidity throughout the year, including the winter months. The prevailing winds during this time are mainly from the south and southwest.


Spring in Ammoudia extends from March to mid-May. The weather during this season is generally pleasant, with higher temperatures that can occasionally become warm during the midday hours. Coastal areas benefit from the cooling sea breeze. Autumn also enjoys a fairly extended duration, offering mild and comfortable weather.

In general, Ammoudia boasts a Mediterranean climate that will not disappoint you, regardless of the time you choose to visit. From hot and vibrant summers to mild and refreshing winters, the region offers a diverse and enjoyable climate throughout the year.

We invite you to share your experiences with Ammoudia’s weather and climate. If you have any questions or insights about the seasonal conditions or the best time to visit, feel free to comment and contribute. Additionally, if you have any information about the current weather or climate trends in Ammoudia, we encourage you to share that as well. Your firsthand knowledge can be valuable for fellow travelers planning their trip to this beautiful destination.

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Ammoudia holiday destination

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